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The design of leaf spring should consider whether it can adapt to other parts
Update time:[2017-11-06]    Page view :1469

Leaf spring is mainly used in the buffer, to avoid the damage caused by incomplete buffer. The design of leaf spring should take into account the application of the place, but also take into account whether the leaf spring structure can adapt to other parts. So the design of leaf springs is not just as simple as leaf springs.

The main function of the spring in the car is to reduce vehicle load, the steel plate spring structure is very simple, so many people think that leaf spring design is not very complicated, but the design of a spring is so simple is very strict, after all, qianlizhidi destroyed nest. Considering the large load, the stiffness of the leaf spring should be the highest, avoiding the damage of spring due to the heavy weight.

The leaf spring connection is carefully done to avoid breaking at the connection due to the powerful impact, leaving the whole vehicle on a small spring. The responsibility can not have any slack, before the spring is put into use, there will be a spring fatigue testing machine on the performance of the spring test, to ensure the product can carry the burden of appearance.

Semi trailer leaf springs, tapered stiffness leaf springs are to be precise plate spring design will appear. It is the purpose of every factory to design a spring with strong compression ability.

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