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The continuous optimization design of automobile leaf spring has been vigorously promoted and applied
Update time:[2017-11-06]    Page view :1462

The traditional design of automobile leaf spring is designed according to experience, and then continuous physical experiments are carried out to verify the rationality of the design. This is not only a waste of time, but also unnecessary waste, very uneconomical. 

At present, there is fierce competition in the automotive industry, in order to design an economical and practical automobile leaf spring in the automobile industry. The finite element simulation technology has attracted much attention. This technology can not only avoid unnecessary material and artificial waste, but also shorten the design cycle of automobile leaf spring. The optimization model of automobile leaf spring bracket is established by using topology optimization technology. The product is designed according to its optimization results, and the rationality of the design is analyzed and verified by finite element method. The idea of designing automobile leaf spring has been greatly popularized and applied.

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