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What are the problems of automobile leaf spring that can be prevented before quenching?
Update time:[2017-11-06]    Page view :1386

The car is made of spring spring one or more pieces of sheet metal, the quenching induction heating equipment for automotive leaf surface, leaf spring jaek heat treatment etc.. In the use of equipment heat treatment, some problems can be prevented before quenching, the following is Xiaobian to introduce some preventive measures.

1, quenching automobile leaf spring hardness is excellent or insufficient, mainly because the leaf spring heating temperature is too high or too low, insufficient cooling, uneven, and also may be due to the process of tempering is not appropriate.

2. Overheating of induction heating equipment. Leaf spring overheating can also be quenched and tempered fire fighting, if burned, can only be canceled.

3. The surface oxidation or decarburization of automobile leaf springs is serious. These two defects are caused by overheating of furnace temperature and too long holding time.

Induction heating equipment leaf spring in the process of quenching must pay attention to the above three points, which can greatly reduce the loss, avoid unnecessary losses.

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