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In daily use, as long as the car leaf spring take good care, can extend the service life
Update time:[2017-11-06]    Page view :1407

Common performance of car leaf spring in life, how to make a brief analysis for you today:

The car is the most traditional leaf spring elastic element in automobile suspension system, because of its good reliability, simple structure, short manufacturing process, low cost and can greatly simplify the structure of the advantages, which are widely used. Automobile leaf springs are usually composed of several unequal length alloy spring steels, forming a set of nearly equal strength spring beams. In the suspension system in addition to buffer outside, when it is in the vehicle longitudinal placement, and end with the frame as the fixed hinge connection, you can assume the transfer of force and torque all anisotropic, and determine the wheel movement trajectory, guiding role, so there is no need to set the guiding mechanism of others, also is the automobile leaf spring multi chip stacking, when deformation under load, the relative sliding and friction, have some resistance, the body vibration attenuation, so the structure of the shock absorber can not be installed.

Automobile leaf springs play an important role in automobiles, and they are easily damaged components. Car friends should regularly check the spring center screw and U type bolts whether there are signs of fracture and timely replacement. In daily use, as long as the car leaf spring take good care of, it can extend the service life, and excellent performance.

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