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How to prevent the occurrence of fracture in the use of leaf springs?
Update time:[2017-11-06]    Page view :1402

Spring often encounter a variety of center bolt or center hole fracture in the process using or repair the situation, to shorten the service life of spring, increase the user cost, then there is no way to prevent or check what these faults happen? This time we're going to talk about how to avoid that.

Before and after the leaf spring center bolt is cut off, tighten the nut loose when the steel plate spring U bolt after continue driving, the fault in the center bolt cut during emergency braking, should always check the fastening nut and bolt. The leaf spring plate breaks at the center hole, and continues to travel when the fastening nut of the leaf spring U bolt is loose, and the spring plate often breaks at the center hole under the influence of the large vertical direction of the impact load. The elimination method is: first of all, should be checked in time to tighten, and then do not overload driving, third on the uneven road should be low speed, to prevent the impact load is too large and broken.

When the fastening nut of the rear leaf spring U bolt is loosened, the spring plate of the auxiliary plate is easy to break from the middle hole under the action of the impact load in the vertical direction. If the car continues to travel and is subjected to larger vertical impact loads, one or more springs will break from the center hole. If the overload or vertical impact load is too large, it will often produce the whole pair, then the leaf spring plate breaks from the center hole. The same as the elimination method.

When the fastening nut of the small U shaped bolt is too loose. In the car, the impact load, lug and after the spring with the first piece of the surface between the relative sliding and friction with the lug on the impact wear increased, the thickness of wear to a certain size, the impact load is large, resulting in the fracture site. The method of elimination is to check regularly and tighten according to the specified torque.

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