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What are the test equipments for automobile leaf springs?
Update time:[2017-11-06]    Page view :1403

Automobile leaf spring testing equipment, including the production line testing equipment and experimental testing equipment, can also be divided into: standard testing equipment and non-standard testing equipment. Standard testing equipment includes metallographic, hardness, material testing machine and leaf spring characteristic measuring instrument, etc.. The leaf spring characteristic tester is similar to the material testing machine, but it is only used for leaf spring characteristic detection, and can not be used to determine the mechanical properties of materials, and the price of this kind of testing machine is higher.

The perpendicularity and parallelism of ear measurement equipment, has been one of the most important equipment in the production of determination of leaf spring, the leaf spring assembly fatigue test machine is an important equipment to determine the total fatigue life, this kind of equipment can be divided into: mechanical and electric hydraulic type two, the actual mechanical fatigue machine is using a the eccentric mechanism to do reciprocating motion, in order to reduce the starting resistance, with the clutch, and the electro-hydraulic servo fatigue testing machine, fatigue test can be big spring.

Spring quality, with the use of the technology, equipment, personnel and testing operation level relationship is very large, the on-line detection device of spring stiffness, is the main sorting system, as well as measuring spring shot peening effect Hu high, can according to the standard of SEA production, is very simple.

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