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The concept of constant day
Update time:[2018-01-11]    Page view :1497

Enterprise tenet  

Mutual dependence, sincere cooperation, complementarity and common development  

Management philosophy  

Pay attention to talents and put people first  

Management idea 

Quality first, service first 

Team spirit  

Honest and pragmatic cooperation and innovation  

Quality goal  

The qualified rate of the product factory = 100% * one assembly pass rate  

The qualified rate of the factory is more than 98%  

Customer satisfaction rate 100%  

Quality policy  

People-oriented, high quality and efficient scientific management  

Staff quality 

Zhi Cungaoyuan 

Shandong Heng RI suspension spring Co., Ltd. has been adhering to the tenet of "quality first, customer first" since its establishment. Relying on the arduous efforts of all the staff, it has strives to become a specialized and large-scale leaf spring production enterprise. 

Adhering to the principle of specialized operation and adhering to the road of brand development, Heng RI will devote itself to the cause of leaf spring, and create "Lotus day" leaf spring brand with integrity and quality, and continue to create greater value for users and society.

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