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Design of leaf spring
Update time:[2017-11-06]    Page view :1510

The leaf spring can be longitudinally placed or transversely arranged in the automobile, and the longitudinal arrangement also has the function of guiding force transmission, and has a certain damping effect, so the suspension system structure is simplified. In order to transmit longitudinal force, additional guide force transfer device must be set up in transverse arrangement, so that the structure is complex and the quality is increased, so it is only used in very few cars. 

In the middle part, the leaf spring is fixed on the axle with the U bolt. The front end of the suspension is a fixed hinge, also called dead lug. It is made of steel plate spring pin connected steel plate spring roll and front ear spring front end bracket, the front roll ears for reduce wear with bushings. Through the spring back plate spring lug pin and the lug lug is connected with the rear frame, rear end can freely swing, forming lug. When the distance between the eye frame by two change may impact spring deformation.

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