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How to diagnose quickly when automobile leaf spring is damaged
Update time:[2017-11-06]    Page view :1334

Rapid diagnosis method of automobile leaf spring damage: 

1, automobile leaf spring break 

The vehicle running deviation is one of the signs of automobile leaf spring breaking. When the tire pressure is normal, the empty car is parked on the flat field. If the car body is skewed to one side, the inclined side of the car leaf spring may break. Then disassemble and disassemble the leaf spring assembly, remove the dirt and dirt on the surface of the steel plate with steel wire brush, and then carefully check whether the spring of the automobile plate is cracked or broken. 

2, automobile leaf spring shift 

The judgment method is: the vehicle has twisted feeling in the driving wheel; the side light side feel heavy; sometimes have the phenomenon of deviation measurement; parking on both sides, wheelbase is not equal; in the U bolt intact case, automobile plate spring percussion end with a hammer, steel plate movement. 

3. Abnormal noise of automobile leaf spring 

If you hear the vehicles in the occurrence of these, these 0 / clang, parking, car support, the automobile spring is in a free state, and then use the crowbar in automobile plate spring lug bracket at the upper and lower leverage, if there is an obvious gap, abnormal sound is due to loosening between pin and bushing, automobile spring lug bracket, collision in the vehicle, causing abnormal noise. If the vehicle is in normal loading conditions, running collision occurred between the frame and the automobile leaf spring, noise driving on the bumpy road more, it is because of abnormal sound of automobile leaf spring fatigue and soft, insufficient camber. New leaf springs should be replaced at this time.

Next:Design of leaf spring
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