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Shandong Hengri Suspension Spring Co., Ltd..
Update time:[2019-10-14]    Page view :1456

Shandong Hengri Suspension Spring Co., Ltd., founded in 2005, is a professional enterprise developing and manufacturing automobile leaf spring and guiding arm. There are more than 200 employees. 

The company passed the TS16949 quality management system certification, production of "lotus leaf spring day" brand was rated as Shandong famous, "Lotus" trademark was identified as Shandong famous trademark, the company technology center was identified as the provincial enterprise technology center, the company was identified as the provincial high-tech enterprises. 

As the scale of the company is expanding, it is now facing the social recruitment of a part of the logistics management personnel, the specific needs and treatment as follows:

Serial number

Type of work



Demand number



Financial staff

Bachelor degree or related work experience for more than 3 years, with relevant accounting qualification certificate, proficient in accounting software, financial analysis and tax reports.

After the probation period, the salary of the official monthly salary is about 4000 yuan, and it has the ability. The salary is negotiable, and the pension insurance can be paid for more than one year. There are also cafeteria subsidies, and there are shuttle buses in the county town.



Office Clerk

Bachelor degree or related work experience for more than 3 years, skilled in the use of office software (Excel, Word), strong writing ability




Bachelor's degree or related working experience for over 3 years, and skilled use of CAXA and other drawing software. Mechanical testing tools can be used independently for product testing. 



lab technician

Bachelor degree or related experience in heat treatment and chemistry for more than 3 years, proficient in metallographic analysis, hardness testing and fatigue tests. Assisting technical personnel in the development and inspection of new products



Frontline technical workers

High school or above, hardworking, good at learning, and responsible


Shandong Hengri Suspension Spring Co., Ltd.. welcome you to join us!

Shandong Hengri Suspension Spring Co., Ltd..


Next:The concept of constant day
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